She is graduated in Electronic Engineering at University of Pisa (It). The MSc Thesis was performed at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (USA), during that period she implemented a DC Current Transformer for particle accelerators, including simulations, signal generation and processing, and FPGA programming. She started at CERN as Technical Student in 2013, designing and developing electronics for RF systems, using analogue and digital techniques in the Beam Equipment Department, RF Feedback and Beam Control section.
Her main task in the PACMAN project is to characterize a RF-BPM (Beam Position Monitor), using stretched wire measurement techniques. She is asked to build a standalone test bench for the BPM cavity, including translation stages and electronics for the signal generation and the data acquisition. Following this activity she will work in close collaboration with her colleagues for the integration of the BPM with the Main Beam Quadrupole (MBQ) on a separate test stand, for alignment purposes. National Instruments in Debrecen (HU) will host Silvia for an internship to test NI products to be used for the BPM test bench and measurements.