She arrived at CERN as a Technical Student in 2013 in order to make her Master’s Thesis, which consisted on the development of a high-power microwave phase tuner for the Linac4 accelerator. Natalia also developed a low-level power control system for the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) acceleratoBefore coming to CERN, she was previously a Research Assistant in the Department of Electronics at the Engineering School of Seville, (Spain). For one year she programmed a user telemetry platform for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and experimented with microwave communication systems in the University’s facilities.
Her main goal at PACMAN is finding the electromagnetic center of the Accelerating Structure (AS) that has been developed for the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) and the validation of its internal geometry with an accuracy of microns using radiofrequency methods. She will do her practical training on new solutions for high-speed digitizers, reconfigurable input/output modules and new instruments under development at National Instruments at Debrecen, Hungary. She’s currently attached to the University of Valencia (Spain) to do a PhD on her subject at PACMAN.